295 Search results

For the term "Android L preview".

How to Schedule Software Updates on your Galaxy S9

In the early days of Android, system updates were generally random: they would roll out at different times and there wasn’t so much fuss about them, but things have changed now. To be more precise, Google has taken a different...

How to Customize Galaxy S8 Audio Profile

The Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone is one of the most talked about models in the past few months thanks to its gorgeous look, infinity display, awesome camera, and not only, but that set of audio settings is still somehow hidden...

Upload Saved Photos or Videos to Snapchat

Snapchat is a popular image messaging social platform tailored for Android handsets like yours, so I know why you are using it all the time. You get to share your special moments (pictures, of course) with your friends or snap...

Snap Selfies to Create a Bitmoji Deluxe on Snapchat

Snap bought Bitstrips, the company behind Bitmoji back in 2016 and since then, it’s integrated Bitmoji into the Snapchat app and people love it. Snapchat is always full of surprises and just announced a new feature called Bitmoji Deluxe, coming...

Tap to Translate allows Translate to Pop Up

There was a time when Google’s Now on tap service allowed users to translate on-screen text thanks to Google Translate, but the feature to translate on-screen text by selecting was gone when Google Assistant stepped in. Google is though always...

Fix Galaxy S8 that won’t Unlock due to Unknown Error

Were you experimenting a certain issue on your device and all the performed troubleshooting steps made no difference? Then, you probably thought of returning all software settings back to their defaults with a factory reset and yes, this was indeed...

How to Find a Facebook Ad You Clicked On

How to Find a Facebook Ad You Clicked On

You might think that you are never going to need Facebook’s ads, but you probably do get seduced every once in a while by a certain type of ad. Because ads aren’t always permanently available anywhere, it can be impossible...