226 Search results

For the term "lg g4".

Promote your Wallpaper or Homescreen with Screener

Capturing an Android screenshot is easy, I am sure that you know that. After you capture your screen, you can view, edit, and share what’s on your Android device with everyone, but things go beyond that. Android device manufacturers know...

Learn to Install BusyBox Commands

Do you want to learn to Install BusyBox Commands? Your presence here is already the answer that I was looking for, so let me be clear about something right from the start. The strange part is that BusyBox is both...

Keep the Whole Family in the Loop with Cozi

There is no mystery about the fact that in today’s world we have so much to do that are days when we simply end up feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information that we have to process and remember. Stop...

Fix Your Android Phone that doesn’t Charge Properly

We have all been there. Exactly when you expected the less, your precious phone doesn’t charge properly. To be honest, I was both annoyed and worried when my Android phone all the sudden stopped charging properly. Many thoughts came through...

Enjoy Moto X Camera App on your Android Device

Are you looking for a new camera app to try on your Android device? Then, you can be sure of the fact that I have a great sygestion for you. Motorola’s latest flagship phone, the Moto X Pure model is the one...