5817 Search results

For the term "phone".

Smartly Plan your Student life with Android Studious

There are many universities which have their own Android app these days and, if they do, it’s essential for you to have it on your Android device. You might find there important announcements, the timetable or information about your course,...

Top 3 Android Parental-Control Apps

Parents looking to retain some control over a child’s Android phone should definitely keep on reading this. Is your child prone to look at inappropriate content, make the wrong friends and quit classes, play time-consuming games for hours, or access...

The Best Android Launchers For Seniors

Seniors are considering buying Android touch screen devices these days as long as everyone talks about them all the time, but things are not that easy. They might find the interface as being way too complex and they need help!...

Get Motivated to Run with Android Pumatrac

You already know how important is to exercise, but let’s admit that sometimes you are not in the mood or simply don’t have the time to the gym. Is there any solution for this situation? I’m thinking of an amazing...