856 Search results

For the term "edge".

Discover One of the Best Business Chat Apps: Slack

There’s no reason to deny it: these days, sales of traditional notebooks are slipping, while the market for tablets is on the rise. Yes, tablets have turned into a tempting alternative to using laptops due to their compact design and...

Discover Galaxy Note 9 Fingerprint Sensor Gestures

Samsung’s love affair with extra-tall aspect ratio displays started with the Galaxy S8 – the device that introduced its Infinity Display. Now, we have the very same design change for all of its flagship devices and opinions are divided. With...

Learn to Enable the Screen Pinning Feature in Android

Are accidental touches one of your current nightmares? I know how it feels. Samsung has made curved displays a signature element of their flagship phones, but the Edge Screen, as it’s called, has proven to be ideal for accidental touches,...

How to Improve Palm Rejection on your Galaxy S9

Since almost all mobile devices now use a touchscreen instead of physical keys, senior citizens and kids might find themselves making more accidental taps, but it isn’t happening only to them. I bet that you have been in this situation...

Discover Air Command in Galaxy Note 9 S Pen

You have probably heard that you can communicate in new ways with the Note 9 S Pen and you are lucky enough to discover that now. Pair up that stylus with Samsung’s flagship, and the Note 9 becomes a powerhouse...