105 Search results

For the term "homescreen".

Try out LaunchBoard App for Android

Do you want to forget all about searching through long list of apps and cluttered folders that never seem to have an end? I bet that most of the time, you know precisely the name of the app that you...

Get Used to Notification Dots in Android Oreo

Android has finally unveiled the final version of Android 8.0. Google Android operating systems are generally named after sweet treats – we already had Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat and...

Take iOS 11 Control Center on Any Android Device

We all know how the world is divided these days: there are users who choose an iPhone running iOS, as well as others who want a smartphone running the world’s most popular mobile OS, Android. iOS 11 has been available...

Pick your Galaxy S8 App Drawer Preference

Samsung Galaxy S8 is the latest flagship device released by the popular South Korean manufacturer, and as it’s only a few months old, so you’re probably still about to discover plenty of interesting things about it. I am always here...

Learn to fix Galaxy S8 Bluetooth Issues

If you’ve just bought a shiny new Samsung Galaxy S8, then there is no doubt about the fact that you’ve chosen well. Samsung’s new devices are some of the most refined and powerful phones on the market and you probably...

How to Zoom Out Magnifier on your Galaxy S8

Samsung comes with various new ways to interact with and experience a phone such as Galaxy S8. Some mobile users prefer a desktop-like experience to fully utilize their phones, while others love to conveniently operate their phone and make things...

Add an App Drawer Button on your Galaxy S8

You know that the Galaxy S8 is set up in typical Samsung fashion. For example, the Galaxy S8’s home screen doesn’t have an app drawer button. Instead of having the old button on the right of the favorites tray allowing...