917 Search results

For the term "remove".

Easily Remove Bloatware from Galaxy S8

The Google Play app store may seem more than enough for finding apps to put on your Galaxy S8, but there is already so much into your device. I know that you are looking for a way to easily remove...

Learn to Remove the Galaxy S8 Dedicated App Drawer

Samsung’s Galaxy S8 comes with various new features and a newer user interface that the company now calls Samsung Experience 8.0. It offers plenty of customization options to users, including various idol grid settings, thesis packs, idol packs, several layouts and more....

How to Remove the LG G5 Battery

The LG G5 was announced at Mobile World Congress in February 2016 and it has been already been made available from April. One of the biggest features behind the LG G5 design is having a removable battery, something that more...

How to Remove LG G5 Bloatware

You don’t see every day a smartphone which has three cameras and a slide-out accessory port, so LG G5 is indeed one of a kind. However, that trend of suffocating the new phones with more and more bloat apps seems...

How to Remove Galaxy S7 Flipboard Briefing

One question I asked myself about Samsung is why the company insists to add the annoying Flipboard/Briefing page on the home screen. The story is not at all a new one, but on the contrary, Samsung has this My Magazine feature on...

Remove Bloatware from Galaxy S7 Edge

You know that Android phones usually come with a set of apps that you aren’t able to uninstall. The OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) stick their own apps on their phones before they even reach you, and the story gets even...

Remove App Drawer on Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge

App drawer is a popular built-in feature of Android or better said it used to be popular. But now, it seems that the feature is disappearing slowly from Android. For example, Google will ditch the app drawer from Android N,...