7261 Search results

For the term "android".

How to Use Samsung Secure Folder in Galaxy J7 Max

The Secure Folder app, which debuted with the Galaxy Note 7, was recently released for the Nougat-powered Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, yet this isn’t all. Other devices have it and you should better learn how to use it properly....

Grab LineageOS 15.0 custom ROM for Nexus 4

Google has officially released the Android 8.0 Oreo update for various Pixel and Nexus devices. Along with that, the source code of Android 8.0 Oreo is released and Android developers have built a ROM based on Oreo. Yes, Google’s Latest...

Get the Best Out of Samsung’s SoundAssistant App

Samsung has an app known as SoundAssistant that you should know more about. The app provides more control over your device’s audio thanks to its 150 steps of volume adjustment, a floating EQ, mono and stereo balancing, not to mention...

How to Enjoy Notification previews in Oreo

In Oreo, Google introduced a set of changes when it comes to notifications, including notification channels and notification previews. We have already seen that with notification channels it is easier than ever to properly adjust what notifications interrupt your day...

How to stop Facebook Autoplaying video and sound

Videos on Facebook got a whole lot louder as videos start playing sound automatically as you scroll through your feed. Previously, you could only hear video sound if you tapped on the video in your Facebook News Feed. Now, as...