569 Search results

For the term "Galaxy S7".

Migrate your Data via OnePlus Switch

OnePlus has grown from a tiny startup that captured almost no attention to one of the most surprising smartphone brands in no more than a few years. Such a company knows that getting a new smartphone is great, but it...

How to transfer files wirelessly on your Note 8

Nowadays, smartphones are becoming the most important part of our daily life. We tend to use them to store every sensitive data in it, including precious photos or videos. This is why is also essential to learn how to transfer...

Secure Folder App is another Samsung Wonder

I was looking for something over the internet the other days and I accidentally discovered the downloadable form of Samsung’s Secure Folder app. I often fell surrounded by prying eyes who want to take a peek at my life, but...

Use S-Health App on Rooted Samsung Devices

Samsung’s S Health app is ready to help you meet fitness goals if you are the owner of a Samsung phone. However, what about those of you owning a rooted Samsung device? Can you use it too? S-Health can now...

Enjoy a better Sound Quality with Hi-Performance DAC Enabler

Every Qualcomm phone has an in-built Wcd9xx audio DAC. This comes with the biggest advantage of being configurable in some parameters where you can enable/disable some options or modify some configuration values. This specific module enables the “High performance mode”...