Android Flagship: News, Apps, Games, Updates and How To's
If you are the owner of a Samsung Galaxy S5 Android device, we know that you have many reasons to be satisfied with your choice. But we must also admit that there are some chances to have a few issues...
We have always told you that Android is a relatively stable mobile operating system, but this doesn’t have to mean that there aren’t certain cases when we confront with various performance issues. In such conditions, do you know that Android...
If you have read some tutorials about rooting an Android device, we are sure that the ADB set of initials come up. If you are new into this and have no idea what ADB means, here we are to tell...
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 and Tab 4 10.1 are finally available in India, being priced at Rs. 23,960 and Rs. 30,498 respectively. In case of wanting a new device that runs on Android 4.4 KitKat operating system out of...
We have great news for Sony Xperia Z2 owners around the world. We can tell you more than the fact that the official CyanogenMod (CM11 Nightly build) support has been confirmed for your Android based smartphone, in matter that we...
Why do people install Custom Recoveries (like CWM or TWRP recovery) on their Android smartphones and tablets? Well, as you probably know, a custom recovery offers you all those additional features that you want for your phone, so we totally...
There is no mystery that most manufacturers are no at all preoccupied by the keyboards of their Android smartphones, most likely taking in consideration how attractive the third-party alternatives can be, but when talking about LG G3 there is an...
Getting your Exynos Galaxy S5 Android smartphone bricked is something that many of you don’t even want to think of, but if something like that happens, there’s not the ideal time for looking back and starting to blame yourself. Here...
Hangouts is getting a version bump from 2.1.100 to 2.1.223 and we want to tell you from the start that you should not be fooled by the small version number change. An entire package of new features is waiting to...
As you can see from the title, today we are doing to present you a special tutorial regarding what you have to do in order to set 3D Wallpapers in your Android device. Yes, this is possible, but we must...