1202 Search results

For the term "Note 7".

Gain Root Access on HTC Desire C

Manufacturers are doing their best when it comes in convincing you not to root your HTC Desire C Android devices. You know that such an unlock operation is an unofficial one that has nothing to do with Google or with HTC and...

Enable Tethering on Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update

As you have seen, the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update allows mobile carriers to block tethering by default. This means preventing sharing of mobile data with friends and family members (this probably has to do with saving a huge chunk of...

Learn How to Use Fast Scanner App

Are you a student? Then, you should now that the tech is there to help you when it comes to improving your grades, being more prepared for classes and exams, reaching there in time and so on. Well, as you...