174 Search results

For the term "Nougat".

How to Add Dark Mode in Google Calendar App on Android

The Android community has asked for dark themes in applications and the system throughout, all while Google continued to offer us fresh white themes basically everywhere. We are though getting Google dark mode apps in tons of apps and services...

Learn to Use your Android Phone as Security Key

You might know that Google has been working to make it easier to secure your accounts for its services with two-factor authentication over the past few years and you like the idea. What about the fact that it has just...

How to Activate Night Mode on your Samsung Galaxy S10

Samsung latest flagships all come with these striking AMOLED displays and we’ve been saying it for years. They have always deserved a dark theme since your eyes easily go itchy and tired after hours of smartphone activity, if not even...

Discover Split-screen Multitasking on Pixel 3 XL

Introduced back with Android 7.0 Nougat, Split screen apps is a great feature that was utilized by a majority of users. Considering the popularity of larger Android devices, as well as the amount of RAM found even on the lower-end...

Learn to Use Split Screen on your Pixel 3

Android has officially offered a split-screen mode for smartphones since Google released Android 7.0 Nougat two years ago. Of course, there were also some smartphone manufacturers who provided such an option earlier but many of those methods were clumsy and...