1773 Search results

For the term "camera".
HTC One Max

HTC One Max: The HTC One On Steroids

Well, yes, HTC was saying back in April that the HTC One will be the only One device of 2013. However, since then they changed their minds twice: once with the announcement on an upcoming Mini, and now, it’s the...

Moto X officially in black and white on Rogers, in August

The Canadian retail, Rogers showed in a video that Moto X will dress the official clothes colored in black and white in August. The exact release date of Moto X is not announced but It seems to be at the end of...

Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 dual-SIM variant

As Samsung used us, a new release is about to come into the scene and its name is Galaxy Mega 6.3 dual-SIM. This news is accompanied by some image of the new smartphone and of course details about specs, which...

HTC One Glamor Red

HTC One Released in Red in the UK

HTC One’s Glamor Red version is now available in the UK, through the exclusive retailer Phones4u, with a two-year contract with Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile or EE. The monthly price starts from 31$. You don’t have the possibility of getting it...