1377 Search results

For the term "notification".

Smartly Personalize LG G4 Wallpaper

Do you want to make the most of your LG G4? Then, here I am with a fresh guide for your device: to be more precise, I am going to learn you how to smartly change your LG’s G4 wallpaper....

Change the Default Keyboard on LG G4

Owners that just bought LG’s latest G4 amazing smartphone should not waste any time and check out all the options and controls in settings as long as they do not even know what they are missing. Do not fear to...

Smartly Customize LG G4 On-screen Buttons

The new LG G4 has plenty to offer, but as it always happens, many users want to change certain settings and functions. What about the on-screen keys? Are they fully customizable or are you stuck with what the company has...

How to Mute LG G4

Are you the owner of a new LG G4? I am in the same situation as well and the last few days all that I’ve did was to try to find out as much as possible about it, so here...

Make LG’s G4 Screen Stay on Longer

I know that you have probably been impressed by LG’s G4 crisp and bright 5.5-inch Quad-HD display, but this doesn’t change the fact that many owners are disappointed about how long the LG G4 screen stays on. With the LG...

How to Update LG G4 with Official Android Firmware

As LG G4 Verizon owners know, the carrier has pushed out an over the air update which offers some interesting enhancements to the smartphone’s performance: I am talking about the enhanced Folio display while in a call, which is the...

Top 10 Tips and tricks for HTC One M9

HTC is one of the first Android phone makers that managed to settle on a style for its Android skin: I am referring to none other than its HTC Sense. It’s true that it has changed a lot over the...