1377 Search results

For the term "notification".

Disable Bloatware from the New Galaxy S7

Are you the owner of a Galaxy S7? This smartphone seems to have it all and I get your excitement, but at the same time, there are also other less pleasant aspects (if I can call them like that). This...

Enable and Set Up Game Launcher on Galaxy S7

In case of being a mobile gamer, Samsung Galaxy S7 is indeed a wise choice. I am saying that as long as your new Android powered smartphone offers a Game Launcher feature that gives you the amazing possibility to set a...

Enjoy the Screenshot Function of your Galaxy S7

Do you want to take a screenshot on your Galaxy S7? The tricks are not new, but some new owners might have never done anything similar before. The Galaxy S7 screenshot function can be done in two different ways, which...

Enter Safe Mode on Galaxy S7

Safe Mode is there to put your phone in a diagnostic state so you can determine if a third-party app is causing your device to freeze or run slower than ever and not only. Be sure that your Samsung Galaxy...

How to Enjoy the Galaxy S7 Always on Display

You have to admit that Samsung has done wonders the last few years. Well, I am saying that as long as the company has gone from selling plastic smartphones to giving us the best. Its latest Galaxy S7 is the...

Enjoy App Standby in Android 6.0

You are probably aware of the fact that some of your apps are still active even when you close the app. They still periodically check network status, push notifications and sync with the server, draining the battery’s limited juice. Why...