6578 Search results

For the term "ROM".

How to Use Google Chrome’s Split Toolbar Flag

The Chrome browser app on Android is something that we all love, but it’s terrible to use with just one hand. Google Chrome Duplex was Google’s answer to people’s repeated complaints regarding this aspect. We saw it reach the Canary...

Learn to Text from your Computer with Android Messages

Google is finally starting to roll out desktop browser support for Android Messages. This will basically allow Android users to send text messages, stickers and images from their computers, despite of using a PC or Mac. This is the biggest...

Check Current Month’s Usage from Android

The truth is that no user wants to go over their monthly data plan. Carriers will charge you expensive overage fees that you are not prepared for or may throttle your data once you hit your plan’s usage limit. People...

How to Delete Icons from Galaxy S9 Plus Home Screen

On most Android handsets, you can remove individual app shortcuts from the home screen itself. However, since different manufacturers decide to implement different menu options for their Androids, your handset might not have the ability to delete app icons from...

Easily Delete Songs from your Galaxy S9

If you are a music fan and love to keep loads of music on your new S9, I totally get you because I feel the same. However, there will be only a little space available for you to download or...

Delete Duplicate Music from your Galaxy S9

Your Android handset often acts like a garage where all unnecessary junk is stored even without knowing it. This junk includes a lot of unnecessary files such as log files, cookies, cache files, duplicate files and many other junk files...