332 Search results

For the term "Marshmallow".

Enjoy Battery Saver 2016 on Android

We are always talking about it and despite of that, it never seems to be enough. I am referring to the battery life and yes, the problems are still there, despite of the fact that the latest version of the...

Disable Doze for Specific Apps on your Galaxy S7

The feature that most were looking forward to use on Android Marshmallow is none other than Doze. Are things as good as initially claimed? Doze can truly be great if you want to save some battery life while your device...

How to Reveal Battery Percentage on Galaxy S7 Edge

Android lacks the ability to see the battery percentage right in the status bar, but this become possible in Marshmallow. This is not implemented as it shoould have been and this is obvius even on Samsung’s devices such as Galaxy...

How to Quickly Launch Capture+ and the Camera on LG G5

Most Android phones have some interesting methods of quickly launching your phone, like Samsung’s double press of the home button or the Moto X’s popular shake gesture. As of Android Marshmallow, however, all Android phones can launch the camera with...

Turn On LG G5 NFC and Android Pay

Can my phone work with Android Pay? I’ve heard this question more than once and I totally get you. After so many reports and rumours, Google’s wireless payment service has made it possible to allow Android users to start paying...

How to Add a Micro-SD Card on the LG G5

The LG G5 keeps its expandable storage and I am truly glad to see that. That’s not how things always happen and after all, we have even saw Samsung — which produces SD cards — get rid of expandable storage...

Close Apps on your Samsung Galaxy S7

There’s no question the Galaxy S7 offers a big improvement in battery life over last year’s model and yet, removing or closing apps out of memory or the recent apps menu on your Samsung Galaxy S7 is a must. All...