53 Search results

For the term "Driving Mode".

Record Voice Messages In Hands Free Mode on Whatsapp

Handling your Android handset while driving is one of the primary reasons for so many road mishaps all around the world. This is why the police of many countries is forbidding the use of phones while driving. I agree that...

Learn to Enable Power Saving Mode on Essential PH-1

The latest Android handsets come with bigger and bigger batteries, but since they also have so many features and services running by default, they may drain the battery quicker than we tend to think. Good thing that companies included some...

How To Use Moto Assist on Motorola Moto X

Motorola informed us that Moto X’s software can improve our current life by doing what we need in a more natural way, learning and adapting from us and from our daily experience; and this is exactly what we have received...

Motorola Moto X Ready For Europe

Moto X Could Be Available In Europe And Other Regions

Three months ago, Motorola Moto X model was just a dream for Europe, US, Canada and Latin America being the only countries that could test this new device. Now, the Moto X fans from Europe can finally have this powerfull...

4 Ways to Fix Waze Contacts not Showing Android Error

4 Ways to Fix Waze Contacts not Showing Android Error

Waze is used by most people for a stress-free commute every day. The app offers traffic information and road diversion alerts in advance to save time. Sometimes, the contacts feature in Waze may not work resulting in Waze contacts not...

Waze not Showing Map? Get it Back in a Few Easy Steps

Waze is one of the biggest GPS navigation software in the world. A lot of people rely on Waze for their daily routes, traffic info, and driving instructions. The app is mainly used on iOS and Android. Usually, wazers (Waze...