132 Search results

For the term "Google Weather".

Avoid Surprises with AccuWeather

Delivering weather details is not as big of a feature as it used to be a few years ago, but everyone wants to know the weather will be like. That is why Android users keep looking for the best weather...

Weather (by MacroPinch) has a Great Design

One of the first really good uses for Android devices was delivering details about the weather. You all know that weather apps have grown a lot in the last few years, so you know that there are plenty of options...

The Weather ChannelFree is Waiting for You

Dark Sky is the most accurate source of hyperlocal weather information. The app provides down-to-the-minute forecasts, so you’ll know exactly when the rain will start or stop, right where you’re standing, but maybe this isn’t your main concern. There are...

How to Enjoy Yahoo Weather Forecasts

I always like to know in advance whether I’ll need a jacket or rain gear when I’m riding my motorcycle, if I should take an umbrella or a sun hat and I already know that an app can totally change my...

Check out the weather with the local Weather today

Are you thinking of some sort of a magical trick to put the weather channel in your pocket? What’s the weather like today? What’s the temperature this morning? Will it rain in the afternoon? – you aren’t the only one...

Is Google Assistant Safe to Use?

Allo is a mobile-only app that is meant to be a fresh start for Google’s new communication’s division (which also runs Hangouts and Project Fi). Google was clear about its intentions regarding privacy and all conversations are encrypted “on the...