346 Search results

For the term "Whatsapp".

Learn to Block a WhatsApp Contact

There are plenty of reasons why you might want to block a contact and I am not here to ask why. The point is that you can do it on WhatsApp too. You can easily stop receiving messages, calls and...

Find Who you Talk to Most on Android WhatsApp

Remember that Facebook spies on us all the time, and, by extension, so do the companies it owns. Therefore, WhatsApp which is under the ownership of Facebook, is included in the list too. There are all sorts of apps that...

Easily Access WhatsApp’s Chat Pinning Feature

Do you want to prioritize certain conversations in WhatsApp? Or maybe you dream of finding a way to ignore notifications from the people you aren’t too fussed about, no matter how many messages they send. With WhatsApp’s Chat Pinning feature,...

Delete Previous Sticker Pack from WhatsApp

WhatsApp stickers, which were launched last month, have become popular so quickly. As WhatsApp announced stickers, tens and hundreds of sticker apps have popped up in the Play Store with one main goal. I am talking about making your chats...

New WhatsApp Sticker Pack: How to Add New Stickers

WhatsApp has finally added the Stickers feature allowing its users to send different stickers while chatting. This was an awaited feature since its competitors such as Messenger or WeChat have been offering stickers packs for such a long time. Available...

Immediately Get WhatsApp Stickers Update

WhatsApp has already rolled out the WhatsApp stickers feature to WhatsApp beta users and people are excited. This basically allows users to share stickers with friends and family. Since the feature has only been released a few days ago, many...

Learn to Remove WhatsApp Sticker Pack

WhatsApp recently introduced the sticker feature and I know that it’s getting mixed reviews. While some thing that it is one of the greatest features in the recent time, others are sick and tired of stickers. We cannot see the...

How to Change WhatsApp Notification Tones

Your Android device is most likely buzzing, beeping, and vibrating all the time due to all alerts that pop up from other apps on your phone. It can be hard to know which alerts are coming from where. Yes, apps...