346 Search results

For the term "Whatsapp".
Manually Delete Useless WhatsApp Images

Manually Delete Useless WhatsApp Images

The truth is that we all have friends who love to send us motivational images. It might be fun at first or for a while, yet in time this could turn into a problem. A lot of media is getting...

Learn to Smartly Delete Dumped WhatsApp Images

If your WhatsApp account is filled with motivational quotes, memes and plenty of other images that are clogging your phone’s memory, then I am sure that you have a problem. Your device’s memory is limited and so is your patience,...

Learn to send Fake Location on WhatsApp in Android

As you may have heard by now, both webpages and Android apps can sometimes behave differently if they think that you were somewhere else instead of where you currently are. Think of the many apps and services that, for example,...