589 Search results

For the term "contacts".

Create a Hidden Folder on Android

To keep your files safe and hidden, many think of a protected folder with a password, so no one will be able to access the content without the right password. Well, this can be easily done on the computer that you...

How to Set Up and Use LG G5 Silent Mode

This is the fifth generation of LG’s flagship smartphone, and this time around things are great: the G5 has an aluminum case, it includes an amazing expansion slot, it is powerful and fast, it supports a handful of accessories that make...

How to Add a Contact to the Reject List on LG G5

After months of speculation, the LG G5 is finally here. The phone has been completely reimagined and it has both a new look and amazing specs, but this doesn’t change everything. Nuisance calls can still make our life miserable, even...

How to Add a Micro-SD Card on the LG G5

The LG G5 keeps its expandable storage and I am truly glad to see that. That’s not how things always happen and after all, we have even saw Samsung — which produces SD cards — get rid of expandable storage...

How to Use Edge Lighting on Galaxy S7 Edge

Many of you know that last year’s Galaxy S6 Edge had just a few features to make use of the curved screen, but it’s nothing close to what its new brother has to offer. I am talking about the Galaxy...

Enable Easy Mode on the Galaxy S7

Your Samsung Galaxy S7 is a very powerful smartphone, but what if you don’t really need all the features and settings that are pre-installed by default? There is a method to reduce the complexity of the features of this smartphone,...

Improve Productivity with the 5217 Android App

You are probably aware of the Pomodoro technique which is a time management technique that gives you the essential tip for an efficient work. It’s all about understating your potential and taking breaks. So, let’s just say that you work...