1377 Search results

For the term "Notification".

Easy Way to Take Screenshots in Android 9.0 Pie

Android 9 Pie is finished and heading out to more and more devices, so I know how excited you must be. After all, Android Pie brings several new features and changes to our favorite mobile OS, and be sure that...

Enable Samsung’s Blue Light Filter on your Device

Are you having trouble falling asleep? Are you using your smartphone or tablet in the late evening? Aren’t you the only one doing so, but your kids also seem to be hyperactive when playing with the tablet before bed time?...

How to Enable Flaw Detection on Galaxy Note 9

Just as many other Samsung’s other major phones from the last couple of years, the Galaxy Note 9 brings very little in terms of design changes, but it’s OK. Well, don’t get me wrong, I also dream of the best...

How to Edit Screenshots in your Android Pie Device

Whether you’ve been following the development of the OS for the last six months, or you’re completely new to it, here you will discover a new amazing trick possible on your Android device. Are you aware of the fact that...

Change Sounds and Vibration on Gboard

Most of us don’t like sound while tapping the keys. With Gboard, typing is supposed to be easier than ever before, so I don’t say everyone is annoyed by the sound, but as per my experience, it’s hard to accept...

Customise Night Light on your Android Device

Sadly, we are pretty much attached to our smartphones – we use them at work, in the subway, in airplanes, cafes, at home and even at bed, in late hours of night. The blue light their screens emit affects our...

Grab Rootless Pixel Launcher from the Play Store

The Rootless Pixel launcher is among the popular stock Android launcher apps, no one can deny that. One of my favorite choices on this matter has always been Amir Zaidi’s Launcher, a version of the Pixel-style Launcher3 ported for other...

How to Unlock the Exclusive Galaxy Skin in Fortnite

In August, Samsung announced that with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Epic Games would also be launching the Fortnite Beta for Android. Those who preordered the new smartphone between August 10th and August 23rd were given a...