1618 Search results

For the term "forget".

Install Lineage 14.1 on HTC Desire 816

Lineage OS is just another CyanogenMod face and it is quite similar to the version that you probably miss. The name has been changed and the logo is different, but the new Lineage OS is born to take place of...

How to Install Lineage OS ROM 14.1 on Xiaomi Mi Max

Many have dreamed of CyanogenMod on their phones, rather than Android, thanks to its ease of usage, flexibility and additional features compared to Google’s mobile operating system. However, now we have Lineage OS and as the name suggests, this is...

Root and Install TWRP Recovery Oppo F1S (A1601)

Do you want to root and install TWRP Recovery on your Oppo F1S (A1601)? Well, there is no one blaming you for that. Rooting means getting access to all those secret placed from your phone; as for the TWRP recovery,...

Top Ten Cases for LG G5

As great as LG’s G5 may be, there are also plenty of annoying things about it – the fact that the metal parts tend to be prone to scratches, that certain parts of its surface pick up fingerprints like a...

The Best Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Cases

I am perfectly aware of all those rumors surrounding the upcoming Galaxy S8, but even in such conditions the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge remains in the center of attention. Samsung really did its best with the design of its flagship...