4035 Search results

For the term "Apps".

Turn Off Galaxy S10 Adaptive Battery

We are always looking for tips and tricks to save battery life. Well, you know that we do our best to uninstall some of those unused apps and change application sync settings, we lower screen brightness and timeout duration, turn...

How to Turn On Adaptive Battery on your Galaxy S10

Android P brought a wealth of useful changes for its users. For many, the most important shift come in the form of battery life. If it’s enabled, Android Pie’s Adaptive Battery feature can save significant battery life without any sort...

How to Activate Galaxy S10 Plus Adaptive Battery

Making sure your smartphone has enough battery life to get you through the day is something that all of us worry about. Google has been working on reducing the overall battery usage of Android for years. I can only say...

Bixby Button Remapping for your Galaxy Note 8

With the release of Samsung Galaxy S10 and its brothers, Samsung teased the ability to remap the Bixby button. Then, we heard that the feature would make it into all the Samsung phones with a dedicated button which received Android...

Adjust the Galaxy S10 Home Screen App Grid

Want to personalize home screen of your new and amazing Galaxy S10 device? Join the club! Now, we are talking the same language! Well, I normally say that the size of the app and feature icons on your Android smartphone...