2584 Search results

For the term "button".

Take Samsung Experience 10 Launcher on your Note 8

Samsung Experience 10 launcher APK is available for download and installation on quite a few Samsung devices running Android Oreo and your Note 8 is in the list too. Samsung’s latest Experience version has been widely improved. It carries a...

How to Identify Package Name of an Android App

As many of you know, Android apps use package name as their unique identification. In some references, this may also be called Application ID and it can be seen as the Android equivalent of an iTunes ID, the unique identifier...

How to Set a Galaxy Note 9 Blue Light Filter Schedule

As you probably know, studies have shown that the blue light can suppress the production of melatonin (sleep-inducing hormone), so filtering it out could be the solution of help you sleep better. There are several apps out there, like CF.lumen...

Learn to Enable the Screen Pinning Feature in Android

Are accidental touches one of your current nightmares? I know how it feels. Samsung has made curved displays a signature element of their flagship phones, but the Edge Screen, as it’s called, has proven to be ideal for accidental touches,...

Save WhatsApp Stories on Android via Click2Chat App

WhatsApp rolled out one of the major features a year ago: WhatsApp stories that disappear after a given amount of time. Now, we all know WhatsApp has had their own feature for stories since the beginning of 2017, but much...