6438 Search results

For the term "app".

Enjoy Better Audio Quality on LG G4 Calls

Sometimes I get carried away with all the impressive features of a new Android smartphone that I forget about the basics. I am referring to text messaging and call quality and your LG G4 is no exception. How are things...

How to Reject Calls on Galaxy S6

Every now and then it happens to be in the situation of needing to block a call on your Galaxy S6. Maybe it’s a stranger who always dials the wrong number or maybe you simply want to block that annoying...

How to Secure your Documents in Google Drive

I personally use Google Drive every day and I know that I am not the only one doing that. Drive is my first choice for storing documents, so I have thousands of documents in there, taking them for granted that...

How to Solve Auto Brightness Bug on Galaxy S6 Edge

Do you currently use Samsung’s Galaxy S6 Edge? Then, you probably know all about the annoying Auto Brightness Bug from your device. When you put the screen brightness at max, the screen doesn’t become any brighter than before; not to...

Screen Pinning on LG G4

Screen pinning is one of the most interesting privacy features in Android Lollipop which gives you the possibility to lock any device to a single app (pinning it) so you can let someone else use your phone without worrying they’re...