118 Search results

For the term "emails".

The email encryption software for Android: K-9 Mail

Data encryption is one of the first things that many Android users do against unauthorized data access and theft. However, the thought of having a private key isn’t as pleasant as it might first seem. You need to keep your...

Get Directions with Android Maps.me

Many of you cannot even think of an Android device without a data plan of any kind because most people check emails, connect to social websites and do much more through the network. But, you don’t need me to tell...

Get the Best out of Google Now

I have just showed you How to Set Up Google Now, but now, my guess is that you want even more. You already know that I am talking about a truly life-organizing app, but as a beginner, there are big...

Smartly Manage Notifications on your Android Device

Getting notifications on your Android device is essential when it comes to receiving all the important emails and messages in time. But do you also need notifications from all your apps? The more apps you have on your smartphone /...