7261 Search results

For the term "Android".

Disable Ads in HTC One M9 BlinkFeed

In case of not already knowing, HTC decided to start displaying ads within BlinkFeed, its popular news reader app built into the home screen of its Android phones. The company will most probably offer an option to disable the ads,...

Best apps to Track Lost / Stolen HTC One M9

If you’ve ever had your Android phone lost or stolen, then you’re very familiar with that panic mode that drives you mad. Smartphones have become a part of our everyday lives and misplacing them happens all the time; however, a...

Smartly Manage Ringtones on HTC One M9

While I am a big fan of Samsung’s latest Galaxy S6, I also admit that it’s hard to ignore how powerful and fun HTC’s One M9 is to use. If you are the owner of this handset as well, you...

Efficiently Decompile and Recompile Jar Files

Are you looking for a way to decompile and recompile Jar Files? As you probably know, the Jar executable files are a set of files packed in the Android system which comprise of functionality of any app or module. If...

How to Effectively Use HTC One M9 when Traveling

Traveling abroad for business or vacation means having fun or productively spending your precious time and definitely not losing touch with friends and loved ones. Using your HTC One M9 phone internationally can lead to enormous bills if you’re not...

Fix Black Screen Issues on Google Nexus 6

A few Nexus 6 owners have been suffering from one of the most common issues found on a device: I am talking about the black screen issue, but don’t you imagine that there is no solution for that. If you...