3104 Search results

For the term "Galaxy".

Download Blackberry Launcher APK on Android

Do you want to customize the look of your Android device with a new launcher? This is not a mind blowing launcher, but you don’t even need this. Don’t get me wrong, yet I really don’t think that wheel can...

Transferring Charges on Android: How to do it

I am sure that you have heard of transferring or sharing files, apps, songs, videos and so on from one phone to another, but have you ever heard that you can transfer charge from one phone to another? Not all...

Learn to Convert MP4 to MP3 or AAC on Android

Despite of the fact that there are no default settings for downloading and converting videos or audios on Android devices, you can make your own settings for your device. After all, with the emergence of different Android media converters, you...

How to Enable Hotkeys on Samsung Device

I miss those days when I discovered hot keys as a new feature that can be found in the Samsung Galaxy S5 handset. Long story short, with such a feature, you can assign a sentence or phrase to a keyboard...

You can Easily Download Unlimited Videos on Android

As the smartphone market evolves, many of us spend more and more time listening to music, watching videos, playing games, browsing the web or connecting with friends from our beloved Android mobile phones. Speaking of web video enthusiasts, streaming videos...

Snap Selfies to Create a Bitmoji Deluxe on Snapchat

Snap bought Bitstrips, the company behind Bitmoji back in 2016 and since then, it’s integrated Bitmoji into the Snapchat app and people love it. Snapchat is always full of surprises and just announced a new feature called Bitmoji Deluxe, coming...