3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

Meet Hopper and its New Fair Bear Special Feature

Do you like to keep an eye out for helpful recommendations about which flight filters will save you the most time and money? Meet Hopper, a special app for all kinds of personalized flight details; well, believe it or not,...

How to Install Viper4Android on Android Nougat

One of the most popular Audio modification tools for Android users is none other than ViPER4Android. Let me remind you the fact that ViPER4Android is the very source of all sound MODs available for Android devices. And it’s not device...

How to Install Android O Developer Preview on Nexus 5X

Just as it happened a year ago, Google decided to announce the upcoming version of Android before the company’s developer conference this summer and even more, it is currently giving developers the chance to test out a pre-beta build of...

Etsy App Adds Android Pay support

Etsy has grown into one of the most popular online stores, particularly for people who want something handmade and things get even better. Well, it seems that Android Pay users are about to gain a new place to use their...

Learn how to Use Paytm Wallet

In case of not knowing, let me tell you the fact that Paytm is a digital payments platform that lets you transfer cash into the integrated wallet via debit cards, online banking, and credit cards, not to mention that you...

Solve DM-Verity Warning on OnePlus 3

It seems that there are plenty of OnePlus 3 users who are complaining about facing the dm-verity warning when they try to flash/sideload stock rom or Custom Rom with TWRP recovery. Are you one of them too? Let me show...