3791 Search results

For the term "Google".

A Challenging Game to Play: Vainglory

Various games are everywhere in the Play Store. And by everywhere I literally mean that you can find them at every corner. Sometimes you come across games that are addicting, others are just fun to play in your free time...

Go Keyboard and its Features that make it Stand Out

Finding the ideal Android keyboard is no easy task for any of you. If you’re using a stock Android device, then you probably already have Google’s Keyboard installed as long as this is the default option on Nexus devices (as...

Get Rif of your boring default Messaging App with Chomp

Mobile messaging apps are growing more and more popular as they compete to meet the growing demand for free mobile calling and SMS texting services. If you are not pleased by your current messaging app, then my suggestion is to...

A Fun Platform Game for you: Yoo Ninja

Are you looking for a lightweight Android game to try on? The truth is that sometimes the most simple games are the most additive ones as well and you don’t even need to look too hard for finding them. Yoo...

The Best Xposed Framework Modules

Xposed modules are small applications that plug directly into the Android operating system and give you full control over the look and feel of your phone, being your chance to get nearly all the features that are generally available in...

Galaxy S7 Email App Cannot Send Emails to Groups

Galaxy S7 Email App Cannot Send Emails to Groups

How complicated things tend to be sometimes! Just when saying that your Samsung Galaxy S7 handset is perfect, you end up here, on these troubleshooting pages cause things aren’t at all like that in reality! A few days ago I...