1290 Search results

For the term "message".

How to Quickly Share your LG G5 Photos

Following the amazing LG G4 camera from last year, we were certainly excited to see what LG has in store for us with its 2016 flagship smartphone. If you own this device, then you must check out the camera lenses...

How to Use QuickTile in Android 7 Nougat

Android Nougat is still on the spotlight and to be honest, I see no reason for not being. It’s a long journey of discovering it and getting used to all the changes and one of them is about the fact...

Get Rid of the Galaxy S7 Enhanced Feature

Samsung’s Galaxy S7 and its curved brother simply are the hottest Android smartphones on the market, but they are not without problems. You may encounter one of the many issues we have covered in the past few weeks, so it’s...

Grab Google’s New Pixel Dialer on Android Device

This Pixel-exclusive phone app is a revamped version of Google’s existing dialer, so don’t hesitate to find out more about it if you like to be ahead of others (after all, this is an entire version number ahead of the...

Solve “Screen Overlay Detected” Error on Android

So, here you are after receiving the “screen overlay detected” message and I bet that you are confused and don’t know how to act. Stop freaking out and understand that this message appears when you’re running a floating app, and...