1423 Search results

For the term "root".

How to Install Official Lineage OS on LG G3

A large number of LG G3 users have been wondering me what to do in order to enjoy the Lineage OS on their LG G3 smartphones. I never leave your requests unanswered, so here I am with a fresh guide...

Update your T-Mobile Galaxy S7 to Android 7.0 Nougat

Everyone talks about the Nougat OTA update for Samsung’s devices. The update first hit the United Kingdom and then to countries such as Germany, France, Germany, Ireland, United Arab Emirates and so on and if it is not there, on...

Flash the Air Command Port on Galaxy S7 Edge

Samsung Notes are no longer the largest Android devices on the block, but they still have their charisma and their special features that many dream of. What makes Samsung’s Note series so special is the S-Pen and its related Air...