Google and FOX to Release American Idol Second Screen Experience

There were some announcements made earlier today stating that the Google Company has made a partnership with FOX to launch the second screen experience of the American Idol app, which will run on Android and iOS via Google Search. This means you will not have to go into your Google Play Store or IOS Store to get the Idol American app, instead you can browse with Google Search for words like “Idol” to instantly receive the app right way into your phone`s browser.

But what does the American Idol second screen experience bring fresh?

With the American Idol app you get to vote your favorite contestant with just some taps made through Google. The app will give everyone a total of 50 votes to split amongst the other contestants. Of course you are not obliged to tap 50 times in order to vote, but a slider with the contestants will give you the possibility to choose the number of votes for that particular one that you might want to vote.

Google and FOX to Launch American Idol Second Screen Experience

Google and FOX to Launch American Idol Second Screen Experience

Apart from the voting choice, Google also wants to incorporate another feature that will allow you to share your preferred contestant to your friends, or YouTube some videos with the one you have voted for.

This might be the Google`s first polling service, and if things go well with the pilot service, than we might receive some polls popping up in the Google Search, in order to give Google our feedback on that matter. This would be also a good opportunity for Google to see the number of users getting annoyed by the popups, displaying the American Idol screen with the voting options.

This is indeed annoying for someone who just needs to know something about a certain app when a pop up suddenly appears on the screen, “forcing” you to vote something, a contestant in our case.

Please feel free to let us know your opinion on trying out the American Idol second experience! We will keep you briefed on that! Cheers!

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