7Fon has no Less than 120 Thousand of Selected Backgrounds HD
7Fon is an amazing wallpaper app for filtering through a huge selection of different options. I am talking about no less than 120 thousand of selected backgrounds HD by 7Fon and if you are wondering about their actual quality, let me tell you that the backgrounds undergo manual checking and sorting before they are included in the catalogue, so there is no reason to wonder about their high quality.
You can look through all the images by category, but besides the usual option, you also have the possibility to tap on the information button on any individual image to bring up a color palette from that shot.
You can also tap the palette icon in the top-right of the main app screen. Just tap on any of those colors and you will immediately get other images with similar colors; this might not sound very useful, but if you want a specific color, rather than a specific image, that’s not always too easy to achieve via other wallpaper apps from Google Play and not only.
7Fon also has some robust auto-image changing options, which allow you to control options such as where to store the images and a few other useful controls, if you want to download on Wi-Fi or data, just as an automatic wallpapers change function (live wallpapers) is implemented in the application. To be more precise, you can choose the source and interval of changing yourself. Just add backgrounds to the favorites, tick the corresponding settings option and enjoy. Now, all the wallpapers you like will rotate on your desktop and lock screen.
And if you are willing to create an account, you can favorite and rate images, which is then shown within the app in order to establish the popularity of each image. Do that as you can help others, just as you like to be helped by others.
Registered users can also submit images, but very careful about one aspect. All the photos that end up here undergo rigorous selection by quality and picture composition. Only the backgrounds of Full HD resolution and above (QHD wallpapers and 4K wallpapers) are allowed.
Therefore, this is a special Android application that aims to open for you and other users the world of splendid HD wallpapers for Android, as developers claim, so what do you say? Are you ready to try it out as well?
Access this direct link and download 7Fon on your Android device right now!