How To

Clear Facebook Cache on Galaxy S9

Facebook is that kind of a social network that follows you wherever you go online and you seem to kind of like the situation you are in. However, what many of you tend to forget is that the Facebook app...

Learn to Enable Automatic Updates on Android

The apps that you have installed on your Android device need to be updated from time to time. Whether the latest update ads some additional features and functionality, or maybe it simply tries to fix a problem that was discovered...

Insert SIM Card on your Galaxy S9 Plus

If you’re one of the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus users who don’t feel comfortable with the idea of changing its SIM card, let me assure you that there is no reason for feeling this way. There is no doubt that...

How to Send a Galaxy S9 Group Message

Who doesn’t like to save time by sending groups messages from your Samsung Galaxy when you need to communicate a message to several contacts at one time? I know I do and you probably think of the same thing on...