5817 Search results

For the term "phone".

Install Google Play Store on any Chinese Android Phone

Sadly, Chinese Android smartphones don’t come with Google Play Store installed in them. There is no single application by Google installed in the phones due to China’s policies towards the restriction of the search giant and social media platforms operating...

Learn to Solve Microphone Issues on Galaxy S8

I remember when the Korean company released a bug fix update to address the red tint problem affecting all those unsatisfied Galaxy S8 users. The update allowed users to adjust the color setting to their preference, yet that was just...

How to Solve Galaxy S8 Plus Microphone Problems

There’s no doubt that your Galaxy S8 Plus is a fantastic Android smartphone, yet don’t you imagine that it is anywhere near perfection. The list of actual problems is longer than some might expect and it includes fixes for Wi-Fi...

Learn how to Cool Down Your LG G6 Phone

Android phones are awesome! What makes them so awesome is what you can do with them. You are free to play games, watch videos, listen to music, capture funny pictures, watch movies, search the web, send messages and more, but...