555 Search results

For the term "speed".

Unblock and Stream YouTube Videos via VPN

Have you ever tried to watch a music video by your favorite artist, only to see that the content is “not available in your country” and blocked on YouTube? Then, you know how it feels! There could be indeed plenty...

Install Asus PixelMaster Camera Port on your Android device

Do you remember the excitement from a few weeks back when the ASUS PixelMaster Camera application got built-in Google Lens integration? Google Lens is Google’s Artificial Intelligence-powered item identification program and even if the Google Pixel phones were the first...

How to Enable VoLTE on your Xiaomi Device

You are here probably as a result of the fact that you are using a Xiaomi smartphone and as you know, most of the Xiaomi users are missing VoLTE support on their smartphone, especially in old devices. VoLTE stands for...

How to Encrypt SD card on your Galaxy Note 9

When it comes to the overall design, the Galaxy Note 9 was expected to resemble last year’s Galaxy Note 8 pretty closely and it’s OK. This means that we got an aluminum frame that is home to a volume rocker,...

How to Activate Blue-light Filter on your Note 9

Speaking of the new Galaxy Note 9, I don’t think there’s any better phone for anyone who’s like me. There are a few key features that Samsung says it sets the Galaxy Note 9 apart from its predecessors and from...

How to Unlock Bootloader on your Xiaomi POCO F1

Even if the specifications and design of the Xiaomi Pocophone F1 left little to the imagination ahead of the device’s official launch, the handset is a success. You get decent specs at a great price and there are also quite...