812 Search results

For the term "tablet".

Discover One of the Best Business Chat Apps: Slack

There’s no reason to deny it: these days, sales of traditional notebooks are slipping, while the market for tablets is on the rise. Yes, tablets have turned into a tempting alternative to using laptops due to their compact design and...

Manage Email Accounts Effectively with Newton Mail

Laptops have been very popular for decades because since they let you do everything you need while being on the go, but now they can easily be replaced by tablets. Android tablets are slim and lightweight, even with add-on keyboards,...

Activate Flight Mode on your Samsung Galaxy S9

Flight mode aka Airplane Mode is a setting available on Android smartphones, wearables and tablets, that when activated, suspends radio-frequency signal transmission by the device and your Galaxy smartphone is no exception to that. When do you need to activate...

Learn to Enable Always On Display on any Android

Over the past few years, Samsung has given the Android operating system several features that are now considered as being truly essential. Take for example the TouchWiz UI, which laid the foundation for what we know as Stock Android today...

Enable Samsung’s Blue Light Filter on your Device

Are you having trouble falling asleep? Are you using your smartphone or tablet in the late evening? Aren’t you the only one doing so, but your kids also seem to be hyperactive when playing with the tablet before bed time?...

Learn to Activate Bixby Vision in Galaxy Note 9 S Pen

With every single bit of technology crammed into it, Galaxy Note 9 is definitely Samsung’s most advanced phone. It is bigger, heavier, and pricier (it costs at least $70 more) than last year’s model, putting it on par with the...

Customise Night Light on your Android Device

Sadly, we are pretty much attached to our smartphones – we use them at work, in the subway, in airplanes, cafes, at home and even at bed, in late hours of night. The blue light their screens emit affects our...