7261 Search results

For the term "Android N".

How to Mark Calls as Spam on Android

Hate spam calls? Who doesn’t, right? Nobody can get used to getting unsolicited phone calls and be interrupted in the middle of sleep, business meetings or exams. Most of the time it’s about things that you couldn’t care less about...

How to Solve Google Play Error RH-01 on Android

There are plenty of Android users who report the very same issue. I am talking about the Google Play Error rh01 on their screens when they try to install or update apps from Google Play Store. This usually affects custom...

How to Solve Google Play DF-DLA-15 Android Error

Downloading an update or an application may fail with this error. I am talking about the Google Play DF-DLA-15 Android error and I know that there’s no joy coming along with it. Has this happened to you too? Is it...

Back Up Everything on Android via Titanium Backup

Years ago, a proper Android backup required physical computer connections, complicated third-party software and tricky steps that frightened most of us. Those days are long gone now. Are you looking for a way to backup, restore, or freeze all your...

Drag and Drop Content from Android to PC

Not all users have the time or patience to organize their data manually. There are apps doing the job for them. This includes the option to backup and restore according to the time you set, anytime, anywhere! No needs to...

Discover the Undo Send Feature on Gmail for Android

Google’s Undo Send feature has been a real bless for people prone to embarrassing typos and mistakes on the web version of Gmail. However, are you aware of the fact that the feature has been carried over to the official...