179 Search results

For the term "LG G3".

Enjoy iOS-like Assistive Touch on LG G3

If you are also one of those who would like to have an iOS style touch assistant on your LG G3 smartphone, be sure of the fact that your wish can come true. The stock LG G3 touch assistant cannot...

Port LG G4 Apps APKs on LG G3

With the release of LG’s latest G4, there are big chances for the G3 users to feel left behind. The new device has an amazing Lollipop based software which has so many interesting features, so if you only own the...

Update AT&T LG G3 with CM 12 Nightlies Custom ROM

Android stock Lollipop OS is great, though if we are talking about a carrier branded device, like the AT&T LG G3, things aren’t that perfect. Why? Well because stock firmware comes pre installed with various in built apps: bloatware. The...