244 Search results

For the term "sleep".

Use Sleep Hypnosis on your Android Device

You don’t need me to tell you that insufficient sleep is a disease of these days. If you suffer from chronic insomnia, then you need to see a physician to receive help, but for most of us, there are others...

How to use Sleep As Android

Let me ask you from the very beginning if you have ever been interested on finding out more about the portion of your sleep cycle known as Rapid Eye Movement. In case of not knowing, let me tell you the...

Track your Sleep with Android Sleepbot

The amount of time an adult has to sleep by night varies from person to person, but you probably already know the answer for you. In such a case, all distractions such as work issues, kids, money, personal problems and...

How to Use Night Light on your Pixel 3a Device

The Pixel 3a handset might not be able to impress with such competitors on the market. However, it does lower the barrier of entry for anyone wanting a fantastic camera on a smartphone. And with flagship devices commanding such higher...