1077 Search results

For the term "photos".

Enjoy Dark Facebook APK on Android

Why we love Facebook so much? Well, this is an amazing social networking website that allows all its users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and let’s admit that we love to snoop around, keep in touch...

How to Get FaceTime for Android with Line

FaceTime is one of the most exciting features that the iPhone and iPod touch have to offer and even us, as Android users, admit that there is something special about it. It is great to see the person you’re talking...

Transferring Charges on Android: How to do it

I am sure that you have heard of transferring or sharing files, apps, songs, videos and so on from one phone to another, but have you ever heard that you can transfer charge from one phone to another? Not all...

How to Recover Snapchat Messages

Snapchat made its name as the only social app, where your photos can be lost forever after no more than a few seconds of looking at them. Snaps and chats sent over Snapchat are automatically deleted once they’ve been viewed...

How to Access Google Drive Files Offline on Android

Android tablets and phones come with limited storage space when compared to PCs and this is indeed a major problem for a time when playing games and enjoying apps, listening to music and capturing everything around you in photos and...

Handling Pictures or Videos in Snapchat

Facing some sort of a pressure from all the changes around it, Snapchat is redesigning its layout, moving around some of its most important features. Users don’t really seem to be happy with the latest Snapchat update. The company is...

Solve Galaxy S8 that can’t reduce Photo Resolution

It is not uncommon for smartphones to have problems, especially to have some common issues, even if the device is a powerful one such as a Galaxy S8. Even with a much improved camera, faster processor and other enhancements, it...