2097 Search results

For the term "enable".

Learn to Reset Advertising ID on Android

If you are an Android user and you use Internet on your handset, then let me tell you one thing. The device is automatically assigned with a unique random number called Google advertising ID. The Google advertising ID anonymously collects...

How to Use the Secure Folder on your Galaxy M10

Do you want to hide or protect apps on your Samsung Galaxy M10 handset? We always dream of a fully encrypted space on our smartphone for storing data for our eyes only. The Galaxy M10 comes with the in-house Secure...

Add Watermark on Huawei/Honor Devices

Have you come over watermarks on many photographs you’ve seen over the internet? If you own any Android device and want to add Shot on Watermark on your photos too, you might have heard about that amazing app goes by...

How to Remap Bixby Button on your Galaxy S9

Samsung introduced that dedicated Bixby button with the Galaxy S8 smartphone and has made it a permanent fixture on its flagship handsets since then. However, the button has never been appreciated, not even by the company’s loyal buyers. And to...