53 Search results

For the term "alarm clock".

Sleep Genius for Android can help you sleep better

There are many people out there suffering from some kind of sleeping disorder and if you are one of them, it’s clear that you need some help. As a result of a research designed to help NASA astronauts snooze, Sleep...

How to use Sleep As Android

Let me ask you from the very beginning if you have ever been interested on finding out more about the portion of your sleep cycle known as Rapid Eye Movement. In case of not knowing, let me tell you the...

How to Mute LG G4

Are you the owner of a new LG G4? I am in the same situation as well and the last few days all that I’ve did was to try to find out as much as possible about it, so here...

How to Use S Voice on Samsung Galaxy S5

If you are the owner of a new Samsung Galaxy S5, we are sure that you want to know as much as possible about it. Samsung Galaxy S5 has a built-in application called S Voice that gives you the possibility...

Customize Galaxy S5 Ringtones and Notification Tones

In case of being the owner of a Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone and you want to customize ringtones and notification tones, we totally understand your decision. You already have a handset that sets you apart from the crowd, but this...

Customize Blocking Mode on Galaxy S5

We can assure you from the start that Samsung included a Do Not Disturb mode for its Galaxy S5, but we know why you are having some trouble when it comes to finding it. The company decided to give it...

How to Use Quiet Mode on LG G3

You might have seen a special Do not disturb mode in upcoming version of Android (Android L), but do you know that LG G3 already has a function with the name of Quiet Mode that does the same thing? This...