1782 Search results

For the term "learn".

Learn to Share Directions from Google Maps

Android devices have made it extremely easy for us to get from one place to another without actually being familiar with the surroundings. A service like Google Maps, which is so popular and has hundreds of millions of users gives us...

Learn to Customize Emoji on Facebook Messenger

I don’t know about you, but Facebook Messenger is a part of my life! The best part is that interesting changes are made all the time and I can only imagine that you don’t know all of them. For example,...

How to Learn Algebra with DragonBox Algebra 12+

Developing math confidence is not an easy thing to do, especially when we are talking about children. However, as you can imagine, I want to tell you more about a special Android app that will most probably help you at...

Learn to Fix Android N Startup Issue on Nexus 6

We have all been glad to see Google ready to offer us the Android N OTA update as long as many of us are Nexus owners who applied to the Android Beta Program. However, things are never perfect and sadly, many...

Learn to Recover Lost Notifications on Android

I don’t know about you, but I often make the mistake of accidentally clearing a notification from my Android device just to be left wondering what was about it. And if you are not as clumsy as I am, I...

Learn to Sync your Calendar from iPhone to Android

Have you decided to switch from iOS to Android? This means enduring the pain of having to give up your habits, of transferring everything and learning to adjust to something new, but I am sure that you will be just...

Learn a New Language with Android Livemocha

A search on the web will show you that there are various resources you might never even knew existed, including free Android apps and websites for becoming fluent in record time. However, not all of them are accurate or at...