2178 Search results

For the term "Data".

Download VLC for Android 2.5.0 APK

If you want to play video or music files in just about any format, VLC media player is probably what you are looking for, even if you don’t know it yet. VLC media player is a very popular open source...

Install Android Oreo on Galaxy S7 Exynos Version

The sad truth is that in many countries, the Android Oreo update for Samsung Galaxy S7 is far from being completed. A few months ago, Samsung was forced to stop the release of Android Oreo update for Samsung Galaxy S7...

Solve MTP Connection Issues on Galaxy S9

If you need to facilitate a connection between your device and a computer and you cannot do it, this turns into a problem. This is one of the big headaches that Galaxy S9 users might experience at a certain point...

Saving Google Maps on your Galaxy S9

The Google Maps project was promising from the very start and it has grown over the years to encompass satellite imagery, millions of points of interest, street views, public transportation, turn-by-turn navigation and much more. That is why it is...

How to Use Google Maps Offline on your HTC 10

Step-by-step navigation, place searches, as well as other similar features require your device to be online, but Google Maps also offers you the chance to save one part of the experience for offline use on your HTC 10. It’s not...