1377 Search results

For the term "Notification".

Learn to Shift Tabs between Android and PC

How many times have you visited a URL at your desk and needed to quickly locate it on the go? Or what about those times when you’ve opened a site in a Chrome tab on Android and needed it when...

How to Send and Receive Money through Google Pay

When Android Pay officially became Google Pay, we were surprised that the ability to send and receive money was still contained in a separate app (called Google Pay Send). Now, Google officially announced that the company is combining the Pay...

Change your Device’s Minimum Brightness Value

At night, no matter how dim your Android’s screen gets, you still have the very same problem: in darkness, the lowest brightness setting on your Android handset ends up giving you a headache and that feeling that you cannot keep...

Discover New YouTube Incognito Mode in Android app

Surfing the net is becoming a pretty unsafe thing to do these days. I am not being paranoid or anything, but the idea is that every click is monitored and every video browsed gets logged in YouTube’s watch history. This...

Modify Led Color on Android

If you’ve joined team Android because of all of the tempting customization options, you may be wondering what hidden tricks there might be there, still waiting for you. Well, do you know how simple is to modify the Led Color...