131 Search results

For the term "Google Maps".

Adjust Location History Settings on your Galaxy S8

If you were also thinking of other things during the initial setup (as it usually happens), there’s a good chance you allowed your phone to record a history of your location. Yes, I am talking about your new Samsung Galaxy...

Enable and Disable Traffic Notifications on Android

You probably know that Google Maps has a very robust traffic notification system. Google usually thinks you want to know what traffic is like nearby, so it sends you a notification. I bet that you are wondering where these notifications...

How to Solve LG G5 GPS Issues

There is no mystery that LG G5 brings a host of impressive features to the table, but the very same device has reportedly been affected with a variety of bugs and issues in the recent past. This is exactly what I...

How to Solve LG G5 Battery Life Problems

The Korean smartphone giant released its flagship device LG G5 a few months ago and the truth is that many users are more than happy with what they have. However, there are also plenty of unsatisfied costumers and this has...

How to Solve Galaxy S7 GPS Errors

The Galaxy S7 is a premium device, but like every other smartphone out there, it is far from perfect. That is why I’ve started to round up some of the common problems faced by Samsung Galaxy S7 users these days,...

AutoMate Helps Drivers with Relevant Information

For those of you who don’t know, AutoMate is an Android app that has one main purpose: to help all drivers with relevant information exactly when they need it the most. The app manages to do that by making the services...