3288 Search results

For the term "back up".

Learn to Enable Automatic Updates on Android

The apps that you have installed on your Android device need to be updated from time to time. Whether the latest update ads some additional features and functionality, or maybe it simply tries to fix a problem that was discovered...

Enjoy Group Video Chat on Snapchat in Android

Well, there is no secret that Snapchat is rolling out group video chat across the globe, and provided your app is up to date you should see the feature added in the near future. Well, you know that Snapchat groups...

Set Up Intelligent Scan on the Galaxy S9

Even if Samsung provided various upgrades to its camera hardware, you should remain realistic as long as the latest flagship doesn’t have a facial identification feature that comes even close to what you find on the iPhone X handset. However,...

Set Background process limit on your Galaxy A8 Plus

Does limiting Android’s background processes improve performance and battery life on your Galaxy A8 Plus device? Well, it certainly does and it is only up to you to optimize the performance, and improve the user experience on your Samsung Galaxy...